Asylum and Migration Annual Policy Event Held in Brussels

On 12 December 2018, the Belgian EMN NCP organized its annual asylum and migration policy event where recent national and EU developments in the field of international protection, legal migration and integration as well as irregular migration, human trafficking and return were discussed.

Two representatives of the Croatian EMN National Contact Point attended the event.

The Conference was opened by Bram Devos from the EMN NCP Belgium. The first session was devoted to the topics of international protection and an overview of recent developments in the field of reception was given. Presentations were held by Peter Van Costenoble and Ina Vandenberghe (EMN NCP Belgium), Fanny François (Director of Policy - Fedasil), Dirk Van den Bulck (Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons - CGRS), Stephen Ryan (Deputy Head of Unit Asylum - European Commission) and Sophie Magennis (Head of Policy and Legal Support, UNHCR Regional Representation for EU Affair Brussels).

The second session encompassed presentations given by Ina Vandenberghe and David Vogel (EMN NCP Belgium), Dries Lens (Universiteit Antwerpen) and prof. Bruno Schoumaker (Université Catholique de Louvain) on the legal migration and integration focussed on the labour market integration policies.

The third session emphasised disinformation on the current developments in the EU return policy and the challenges in addressing the issue of minors as victims of human trafficking or human smuggling. Speaches were given by David Vogel (EMN NCP Belgium), Magnus Ovilius (Head of Return Sector - European Commission) and Patricia Le Cocq (Policy Officer - Myria).

The Conference ended with closing words given by Philippe Rosseel (Advisor General – Ministry of Interiors).