The Eight Meeting of the National Migration Network

On November 22nd 2019, in Zagreb, The Eighth Meeting of the National Migration Network was held. It was attended by representatives of eighteen institutions and organisations.

The meeting was organised by the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia, which holds the role of  The National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN) for the Republic of Croatia from January 1, 2019. The aim of the meeting was to focus on the continued exchange of information and activities in the area of migration in the Republic of Croatia

The introductory presentation was held by the HR EMN NCP National Coordinator, Ms. Lidija Pentavec, head of the Department for Irregular Migration, commenting on the upcoming presidency of the Republic of Croatia of the EU Council and on the current migration picture in the Republic of Croatia.

The EMN PRES conference was also announced. It will be held on May 12 and 13, 2020., with the subject of challenges of combating irregular migration on the Eastern Mediterranean route.
Further, the usual part of the meeting contained a tour de table during which the members of the National Migration Network shared information about the migration developments within their institutions/organisations.

The majority of the meeting was devoted to the translation of terms from EMN Glossary to Croatian language. The translation of the EMN glossary into the Croatian language is planned in the current project period.

EMN Glossary is one of the key publications of the EMN, and is designed to facilitate comparison, thus enabling a common understanding and use of concepts in the field of asylum and migration. The glossary relies on different sources, notably those of the European Union acquis on asylum and migration, and makes terminology available in most languages of the EMN Member States.
The EMN glossary is regularly updated to reflect the latest developments in the area of asylum and migration and currently contains more than 450 terms. The Online version of the glossary is available here.
Each glossary entry consists of a preferred term, the definition of the concept, the source/sources of the definition, plus the notes and the relationship to other concepts (synonyms, broader and narrower concepts as well as related terms). The Online version is regularly updated by members of the EMN Glossary and Thesaurus Working Group (GTWG) Working Group.
Printed versions are published only if they contain significant changes. The last printed version has been published as version 6.0 in May 2018 and is available for download:
