Annual Report on Migration and Asylum in Croatia 2019

Leegislative developments, increase in the number of applicants for international protection, participation in the resettlement program, strengthening of human capacities, border capacities and implementation of projects were some of the trends in 2019 in Croatia.

The fifth Annual Report on Migration and Asylum prepared by the National Contact Point for the European Migration Network in Croatia covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 2019.

The purpose of the Annual Report on Migration and Asylum is to provide an overview of the most significant policies and legislative developments in the area of asylum and migration in Croatia, as well as an overview of political and public debates on asylum and migratio. This Report covers the following topics: legal migration, international protection, unaccompanied minors and other vulnerable groups, integration, citizenship and statelessness, borders, Schengen and visas, return and readmission, illegal migration, including smuggling and the fight against trafficking in human beings.

The Report also presents relevant statistical data.
