Summary of Ad-Hoc Query "Labour Market Test" published

EMN NCP HR launched an Ad-Hoc Query "Labour Market Test" during 2021 in collaboration with members of National Migration Network from Croatian Employment Service.

The launch of the Ad-Hoc Query was set in motion by the enforcement of the new Foreigners Act in 2021, and with it the quota system was replaced with a labour market test.

The Query collected information related to the employment control frameworks of third-country nationals and labour market management. The focus of  the Query was put on the labour market test applied in most EU Member States, emphasizing the steps of the labour market test procedure, methodology, role of employment authorities, employer responsibilities, conditions and criteria for restricting employment by labour market test, checking the availability of workers in other Member States, and available data on the ratio of positive and negative labour market test decisions during 2019 and 2020 were presented.

Ad-Hoc Query data was collected thanks to contributions from 22 EMN NCPs, which you can access on the EMN website.

EMN NCP HR has produced a summary of the Query consisting of a short and detailed version available here.
