The Croatian Parliament passed the new Social Welfare Act

On 28 January 2022, the Croatian Parliament passed the new Social Welfare Act (Official Gazette 18/22)

Source: Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy

The Social Welfare Act is a document that regulates the activity of care, users, rights and services and procedures for their realization, the manner of performing activities and other issues important for the activity of social welfare.

The Act also provides for the establishment of three public institutions. Establishment of the Croatian Institute for Social Work as a public institution that will perform activities from its activities in central and regional services. The aim of establishing the Family Center as an independent institution is to implement activities and programs aimed at prevention and treatment development of activities for young children and families. In addition, the Academy of Social Welfare will be established as a public institution for the purpose of organizing and conducting professional training of professionals and other workers in the social welfare system.

The goals of the Act are structural and qualitative change of social welfare centers through the establishment of the Croatian Institute for Social Work, relief and reduction of public authority and strengthening of professional work as well as development and separation of family centers as independent institutions and expansion and availability of services to local communities.

The full Act, that entered into force on 17 February 2022, can be found here.
