Adopted Protocol on the Treatment of Unaccompanied Children

The Protocol on the treatment of unaccompanied children was adopted at a meeting of the Government of the Republic of Croatia on 30th August 2018. 

The importance of this protocol stems from the very fact that unaccompanied children are one of the most vulnerable groups and because of that are subject to various forms of injustice inflicted by the hand of society.

They are very often victims of violence, target of smugglers and exposed to hunger and fear for their own lives. 

Thus, the aim of the Protocol is to reduce the negative social and economic impacts of unaccompanied children and their timely protection and assistance. The Protocol regulates the treatment and obligation of the competent institutions towards children in every step - from identifying and collecting information about the child, accommodation, health and international protection up to inclusion in the educational system and integration into the society. Also, a very important step involves looking for family members of the child and joining them together, as well as the return procedure.
