Croatia hosted induction training of the European Migration Network for new team members

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On July 5 and 6 2022, hybrid Induction training for the members of the European Migration Network (EMN) took place in Zagreb, Hotel Dubrovnik. Training was organized by the National Contact Point for the Republic of Croatia (EMN Croatia) with the support of EMN LU.

The aim of the training was to ensure a common understanding of the structure and role of the EMN and how it fits into the wider migration and asylum landscape at national, EU and international levels, as well as to ensure a common approach to EMN national networks and products developed at the national level. NCPs were provided with support in their roles in developing and contributing to EU level outputs and in relation to managing, monitoring and reporting on EMN grants.
The training was primarily intended for new members of the EMN NCP teams in Member States and members of national contact points of observer states (Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Armenia, Montenegro and Serbia), but also provided opportunity for already established EMN NCP staff members to have a refresher course on a specific aspect of Emn delivery.

During the two day training, the colleagues from the EMN NCP were introduced to the structure and role of the EMN in the development and harmonization of asylum and migration policies, both at the European and national levels. Members were presented with structure and organization of EMN network, roles and responsibilities of national contact points, good practices were introduced on how to organize strong national networks and how to deliver the reliable and comparable information for EMN outputs, as well as how to prepare work programme and budget. Members of the EMN NCPs were introduced to the tools and forms of reporting which can enable them to make communication between members more uniform and clearer, especially towards the general public. A series of lectures was held the second day on importance and rationale of expert and working groups, how to improve the work of national networks for reporting, how to create studies and policy reports, how to properly use and process statistical data, on usage of AHQ system and aim and the objective of EMN Glossary. Special module was held on aims and objectives of national communication and dissemination activities of EMN.

The EMN induction training provided peer-to-peer experience for participants in person and colleagues joining online, thus allowing members of EMN NCP team to work closely and to learn from each other in order to ensure a common understanding of the structure and role of the EMN and how it fits into the wider migration and asylum landscape at national, EU and international levels.
