The 13th meeting of the National Migration Network was held

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On December 16, 2022, the thirteenth meeting of the National Migration Network and a panel discussion "International protection seekers and the labor market" were held in Zagreb

The meeting was attended by about 20 participants of the National Migration Network, which is made up of state bodies, including the Ministry of Interior and non-governmental and international organizations.

The opening speech and greeting to the participants was addressed by Mrs. Ivana Perlić Glamočak, who also participated in the panel discussion on the topic of international protection and the labor market, together with Mr. Vlatko Večkovac and Mrs. Elizabeta Filipaj. Mr. Večkovec from the Reception Center for International Protection Seekers in Zagreb talked about how international protection seekers look for work and where they are employed. Mrs. Filipaj from the Croatian Employment Service talked about their rights and formal employment processes.

After that, a presentation on the subject of the TALENT POOL pilot project for displaced persons from Ukraine was held. This project was presented by Mrs. Perlić Glamočak and Mrs. Filipaj. The project works by having displaced people from Ukraine enter their data through a digital platform, and was launched in October.

Usual part of meetings, tour de table, was also held. During it, the members of the National Migration Network presented information on the news regarding migration within their organizations or institutions.

