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EMN Annual Report 2019 that explores trends on migration and asylum across the EU has been publishedIncrease in asylum applications, enhanced reception capacities and integration measures, strengthened legal pathways to migration and further support to return were some of the key trends in 2019. 07.07.2020. | Page
Challenges of Irregular Migration on the Eastern Mediterranean – Western Balkan Route in the time of COVID-19 main theme of EMN NCP HR ConferenceEuropean Agency for Fundamental Rights presented for the first time the “Border control at external land borders and fundamental rights”-practical guidance. 26.06.2020. | Page
Save the date: Croatian EMN e-Conference during Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European UnionEMN Conference: “Challenges of Irregular Migration on the Eastern Mediterranean-Western Balkan Route in the Time of COVID-19” will take place on 24 June 2020. The e-Conference will be held in the framework of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU. 12.06.2020. | Page
New EMN study published: Comparative overview of national protection statuses in the EU and Norway EU asylum law determines that people who flee from persecution in their home country should be granted refugee status or subsidiary protection. If a person’s case does not meet all criteria for this type of protection, Member States can step in and offer national protection. 29.05.2020. | Page
29th EMN Bulletin 24.02.2020. | Page
Save the date: Croatian EMN Conference during Croatian Presidency of the Council of the European UnionEMN Conference: “Challenges of Irregular Migration on the Eastern Mediterranean Route” will take place on 12 and 13 May 2020 in Zagreb, Croatia. The conference will be held in the framework of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU. 04.02.2020. | Page