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Just published: Study on integration of migrant womenThe latest EMN study focuses on the integration of migrant women in the main sectorial areas covered by the EU Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027. 07.09.2022. | Page
Just published: EMN Country Factsheets 2021EMN Country Factsheets provide a snapshot of the key developments in asylum and migration throughout the year in the Member States and Norway and Georgia 18.08.2022. | Page
Save the date: EMN NCP Malta national conferenceOn 28 October 2022, EMN NCP Malta is organizing National Conference " The new geopolitical challenges in Migration - Tackling cultural and religious diversity" 10.08.2022. | Page
First residence permits reached pre-pandemic levelsIn 2021, almost 3 million (2 952 300) first residence permits were issued in the EU to non-EU citizens 10.08.2022. | Page
Croatia hosted induction training of the European Migration Network for new team members On July 5 and 6 2022, hybrid Induction training for the members of the European Migration Network (EMN) took place in Zagreb, Hotel Dubrovnik. Training was organized by the National Contact Point for the Republic of Croatia (EMN Croatia) with the support of EMN LU. 11.07.2022. | Page
National conference EMN NCP Croatia "Women in Migration"EMN NCP Croatia and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia held a national conference "Women in Migration" in Zagreb and online, on June 23, 2022 24.06.2022. | Page
EMN NCP Croatia national conference „Women in migration“EMN NCP Croatia and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Croatia are organizing a national conference "Women in Migration" in Zagreb and online, Thursday, June 23, 2022 10.06.2022. | Page
EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2021: Launch EventOn 15 June 2022, EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2021: Launch Event will be held, to present the most important conclusions of year 2021 in area of migration and asylum 10.06.2022. | Page