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Provisional agreement reached on the new European Union Agency for AsylumThe European Parliament and the Council have found the provisional agreement to transform the European Asylum Support Office into a European Union Agency of Asylum 05.07.2021. | Page
New EMN Study "Accurate, timely, interoperable? Data management in the asylum procedure"The Study Synthesis Report provides a comparative overview of data management in the international protection procedure in the EU Member States and Norway. 01.07.2021. | Page
10th EASO Asylum Report 2021 published Publishing of EASO Asylum Report 2021 was followed by an online event held on 29 June 2021, during which key developments and findings in international protection during 2020 were presented 30.06.2021. | Page
Expanding the list of professions for which a labor market test does not have to be conductedAt the session held on 18 June 2021, the Management Board of the Croatian Employment Service adopted a decision to supplement the list of professions for which a labor market test does not have to be conducted. 29.06.2021. | Page
World Refugee Day: key statistics on asylum in the EU 20 June, 2021 marks the World Refugee Day, on which occasion Eurostat presented selected data on asylum seekers, shown in the figure. 18.06.2021. | Page
European Commission launches Talent PartnershipsOn 11 June 2021, European Commission launched Talent Partnerships, a key initiative under the New Pact on Migration and Asylum 17.06.2021. | Page