EMN Conference, Helsinki: "From Tampere 20 to Tampere 2.0"

Photo /dogadjanja_u_inozemstvu/Izrezak.PNG

On the 24th and 25th October 2019, the joint EMN-EPC-Odysseus FI PRES Conference was held.

More than celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Tampere conclusions, this conference aimed at exploring ideas and suggestions for the future with regard to the next five-year EU programme (2020-2024), in relation to the different areas: visas and border control, legal migration, migrant integration, the fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking, the return of third-country nationals and asylum.

It was organized as a joint effort of the European Migration Network Finland, the Odysseus Academic Network and the European Policy Centre (EPC) in connection with the Finnish EU Presidency. High level speakers such as Director General of the IOM Antonio Vitorino, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, Executive Director of EASO Nina Gregori and ICMPD Director General Michael Spindelegger were among the participants as well as high level representatives of EU institutions and Agencies, Member States, NGOs as well as leading academics.

The conference was followed by a range of workshops attended by stakeholders and policy makers from Europe as well as other parts of the world to bring their diverse points of view to the table.
From Croatian MOI, the conference was attended by Ms Anita Mandić, a member of the EMN Steering Board and the head of the Service for foreigners in the Directorate for Immigration, Citizenship and Administrative Affairs and Ms Ivana Perlić Glamočak from the EMN NCP Croatia, from the Directorate  Directorate for Immigration, Citizenship and Administrative Affairs.